Are you ready to turn up the heat and make a splash at Loterie Farm's exclusive pool party?
Mark your calendars because
the last Saturday of every month during the season, from noon to 8 pm, we're hosting the ultimate poolside celebration that you won't want to miss!t
For the upcoming Jungle Pool Party on March 29th, all cabanas, tables and pre-paid general entrances have been sold.
We will have General Entrance available at the door starting noon March 29th for those who are ready to enter and these will be available until we reach capacity.
Entrance is strictly for those 21 years and over.
Pre-paid General Entrances are not refundable.
About our pool party
Plan Your Pool Party
Now is the time to organize your cabana or table before they all get reserved. To organize for this special event, please email Samantha at
For any of our Jungle Pool parties, the organization is not the same as on any of our regular days (as it is a special event). Cabanas and tables are in essence free though there is a minimum consumption required which is based on the type of cabana and number of guests and you can get the details from Samantha at
You can also purchase General Entrance here for
or you can buy them for
at the door on the day of the event.
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